Technology Empowers Innovation

Written by nsdesign | Oct 2, 2018 7:39:56 PM

We preach the “soft science” of products that just work — the first time and every time — no matter how complex their functions. Truly innovative technology enriches the user’s life, without dictating how it must be used. It solves problems, offers efficiencies and provides meaningful experiences.

NS associates testing a product


Like any craftspeople, we rely heavily on our tools. We can take an idea pretty far with paper and pencil, but eventually we have to create CAD models, build prototypes and communicate with an array of collaborators. Technological advances by companies like Intel have made it possible for us to complete in days tasks that used to require weeks. Speed to market matters to our clients.

We were approached by Efran Films to participate in a video series on, for Intel Corporation. We were honored to be selected as a feature episode because when it comes to innovative companies, Intel is in its own category. Because of Intel chips, we can carry phones in our pockets, wear mini-computers like the Apple Watch on our wrists and takes notes by hand or sketch on thin tablets.

The “Empowering Innovators” series explores the ways in which Intel technology plays a vital role in creative, cultural, and physical endeavors. Nottingham Spirk is profiled as a company that pushes the limits and creates disruptive innovations while embracing new technology.

Take a look inside our Innovation Center to see how our process works to deliver the latest innovation.


Contact Nottingham Spirk to discuss how your organization can take innovation to the next level.


Location: Come visit our Innovation Center and use the address location from what3words: ///enjoy.wicked.pints

Learn about what3words: It’s a really simple way to talk about location. We have divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigned each one a unique 3 word address. It means anyone can accurately find any location and share it more quickly, easily and with less ambiguity than any other system.

For example, this location-based system will drones to deliver packages to remote locations with no listed address. This will also allow autonomous cars to pick up stranded passengers from remote locations. This could become the new standard global address system of the future.