A New Years Greeting from Nottingham Spirk

Written by nsdesign | Dec 30, 2013 3:49:20 PM

Capitalizing on Core Strengths 

As we approach the New Year we are thankful for the many stakeholders who have made this a successful year for Nottingham Spirk - Our associates who worked tirelessly to produce impressive results, our clients partners whose dedication to innovation helps foster ongoing creativity, and our Strategic Partners who provide an immeasurable service when we need to look beyond our walls for expertise.

Many of our NS Associates have participated in the Strengths Finders 2.0 Assessment, Author, Tom Rath, Gallup Press. Its a valuable tool that reveals strengths and provides strategies for applying those strengths.  We take the learnings from the assessments and ensure that we are applying our associates' best skills, whether creative, analytical, or interpersonal, on various aspects of a client program.

We also took time in 2013 to understand our strengths as a company. By interviewing our client partners, we have learned we are different because we provide a trusting environment for our associates that give them the opportunity to do what they do best, each and every day. Our associate strengths, as outlined in Strengths Finders 2.0 range from Achiever to Futuristic and from Ideation to Strategic.

We invite our client partners to assess their own companies core “Strengths” to see how they can provide a unique, strategic and competitive advantage. Company “Strengths” can range from intellectual property, broad distribution capabilities and many times, proprietary processes and technologies.

When we first initiate a conversation, before a proposal is even written, it is imperative to understand the core strengths of the client partner. This allows us to create an approach that leveraged those strengths as part of the innovation process. By working together as collaborative partners, we increase the velocity of the innovation process leapfrogging the competitive set.

Looking ahead to 2014, we understand that companies need to stay focused on their base business and to capitalize on their core strengths. For healthy growth in any company, there needs to be a strategy of alignment with a trusted partner who can provide a unique and innovative perspective to the company, that can help them reach their growth goals by looking outside their core business and by adding to their core strengths.

That partnership can be a powerful combination of diverse yet aligned “Strengths”.

All of us at Nottingham Spirk wish your New Year to be filled with much happiness and success.


John Nottingham & John Spirk